Saturday, January 8, 2011

Kevin Costner & Robert Kelly Smithey ...

Kevin Costner sent me the script for "Dances with Wolves" ..I still have it, loved it, so, I went to his casting director a french women. She knew me had seen me in Paris-Match. A social actor she implied. I used to hear a lot of that, anyway she did not give me a job but as it turned out. I sat next to her at the Academy Award Show with the people from Orion. Kevin gave me a ticket and invited me to his party after, great to be with the winner. If you are going to the Academy Award Show that is the party to be at "and the winner is" !! It was 1990. Kevin and Cindy had a lot of people at the Colombia Bar and Grill on Sunset by the studios maybe 500, had to cost him a lot of money for dinner and French Champagne, for that many. Old Hollywood location . Cindy his wife, made him a star she had the brains and was pretty as well, her family was from Portugal. I told Andy Garcia and Rosanna Arquette they would be divorced by the end of the year. I was right. Dances with bankers - cost him $85 million bucks. She deserved every penny.. Kevin said after Princess Diana was murdered that he met her and was going to use her in a movie... that was my idea!! He was invited to tea when he was in England making "Robin Hood Prince of Thieves" but he did not go and I gave him hell about that. I know this from Elle Elliott his hair women who was in his contract, I still like him, I said he can ride a horse but can't sit with a cup of tea in his lap......
