The German steel magnate Baron Arndt von Krupp came to Marbella, Spain "The Puerto Banus" in 1972 the year it opened, on his 102 ft. mahogany yacht "The Antinous". Docked it in the Puerto Banus where I had a boutique, he was 35 years old. I was 22 years old. It was the age of free spirits. I what I did not know was that he was Hilers Godson and the very last of the Krupp clan.. Arndt was a professional playboy , notoriously homosexual, very much into decadence!! Illuminati, the elite, secret society, cult member a 'High Priest Satan stuff'. So, he gave a party on board his Yacht, and I went with Princess Patricia "Honeychile" Hohenlohe a marvelous, lusty, open, funny older women , she had a deep southern accent, and knew everybody, from William Randolph Hearst , Queen of England you name it, best friends with Bob Hope was on his radio show he called me once in New York looking for her, did movies too. I never quite found out how Honeychile had made her social ascent but she was a dedicated follower of matters social. To Honeychile, I was a celebrity. Perhaps I was. But it was a very accidental celebrity, born less from me than from others, perception of me. It was about good looks, brains, taste, and style. I can't take any credit for the good looks, or brains: that was heredity. And, I really can't take credit for taste and style: that was mostly instinct. The only ingredient I brought to this recipe was the recognition that, while you have to be natural and be yourself, you also have to be different. If, that is, you want to make an impact. I opted for hippie chic. The character that came to be Robert Kelly Smithey was really, in the end, a mixture of those attributes, with the help of good luck and good timing. But, a perfect image rarely goes with a perfect life. By the time I met Arndt Krupp introduced to him by Princess Honey, I'd had my share of disappointments. But, like Honey said to me and was right: I had, come a long way!! So, the elite society was all there the whole group. This was before I had seen the movie of Luchino Visconti "The Damned" about Krupp and his family and there Nazi background. Or worked on the movie of John Carpenters "They Live" which was about the Illuminati conspiracy. So, when he asked me to go to Thailand on the yacht, I said, "No", I can't, I have to work. He really gave me the creeps. He didn't take no for an answer!! He started to change like in Shapeshifter! It was so weird. I had lots of other Blue Blood European royalty/aristocracy type friends were they also "Satanic Paedophiles Humanoids"?? I had heard about the stories of blood sacrifice and all that evil stuff. It was time to leave. It was not over however, he sent people into the boutique to change my mind for about a week the 'Cult'. Would come into the Shop and try and talk me into going !! I wasn't going to sail with Arndt all snake like that and that is for sure!! I called them the rich scary cult .. A Prince from Austria who I did not even know, a German Countess who I knew very well etc.. This went on and on, I said I can't go to Thailand, until 'They' finally gave up and 'They' left!! I heard he died of Aids, not cancer and that he died in Palm Beach not Salzburg in 1986. I tell this story because you see so much on the internet and books and movies about all this devil worship stuff, black masses, conspiracy of the 1% political/corporations, corruption and this " New World Order" type thing. His family company is now called Thyssen/Krupp they merged with Baron Thyssen who was another strange guy. I met him twice. All this elite conspiracy, reptilian scary stuff, my real take away from this party was his snake like skin and I sure wasn't going to travel with him even with all his huge money !!! The Illuminati hierarchy was the Krupp family, original 13 familys a hybrid blood line that has gone over to non human. Google said !! I think because I took L.S.D from 1967 to say around 1973. I could see him as he really was.. In the movie I made "They Live" John Carpenter used special dark sun glasses as the way to see them, The blonde in the picture is Princess Honeychild (AKA Patricia Wilder) Hohenlohe on the top, my date for the yacht party that night! She was in the cult as were most of my elite Marbella jet-set friends who tried to get me to go... He married the women in the picture with him and had a child to keep the 'Bloodline' going I wonder what ever happened to that little 'Devil' :) !!!!!
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Arndt Krupp a Reptilian Humanoid !!!
The German steel magnate Baron Arndt von Krupp came to Marbella, Spain "The Puerto Banus" in 1972 the year it opened, on his 102 ft. mahogany yacht "The Antinous". Docked it in the Puerto Banus where I had a boutique, he was 35 years old. I was 22 years old. It was the age of free spirits. I what I did not know was that he was Hilers Godson and the very last of the Krupp clan.. Arndt was a professional playboy , notoriously homosexual, very much into decadence!! Illuminati, the elite, secret society, cult member a 'High Priest Satan stuff'. So, he gave a party on board his Yacht, and I went with Princess Patricia "Honeychile" Hohenlohe a marvelous, lusty, open, funny older women , she had a deep southern accent, and knew everybody, from William Randolph Hearst , Queen of England you name it, best friends with Bob Hope was on his radio show he called me once in New York looking for her, did movies too. I never quite found out how Honeychile had made her social ascent but she was a dedicated follower of matters social. To Honeychile, I was a celebrity. Perhaps I was. But it was a very accidental celebrity, born less from me than from others, perception of me. It was about good looks, brains, taste, and style. I can't take any credit for the good looks, or brains: that was heredity. And, I really can't take credit for taste and style: that was mostly instinct. The only ingredient I brought to this recipe was the recognition that, while you have to be natural and be yourself, you also have to be different. If, that is, you want to make an impact. I opted for hippie chic. The character that came to be Robert Kelly Smithey was really, in the end, a mixture of those attributes, with the help of good luck and good timing. But, a perfect image rarely goes with a perfect life. By the time I met Arndt Krupp introduced to him by Princess Honey, I'd had my share of disappointments. But, like Honey said to me and was right: I had, come a long way!! So, the elite society was all there the whole group. This was before I had seen the movie of Luchino Visconti "The Damned" about Krupp and his family and there Nazi background. Or worked on the movie of John Carpenters "They Live" which was about the Illuminati conspiracy. So, when he asked me to go to Thailand on the yacht, I said, "No", I can't, I have to work. He really gave me the creeps. He didn't take no for an answer!! He started to change like in Shapeshifter! It was so weird. I had lots of other Blue Blood European royalty/aristocracy type friends were they also "Satanic Paedophiles Humanoids"?? I had heard about the stories of blood sacrifice and all that evil stuff. It was time to leave. It was not over however, he sent people into the boutique to change my mind for about a week the 'Cult'. Would come into the Shop and try and talk me into going !! I wasn't going to sail with Arndt all snake like that and that is for sure!! I called them the rich scary cult .. A Prince from Austria who I did not even know, a German Countess who I knew very well etc.. This went on and on, I said I can't go to Thailand, until 'They' finally gave up and 'They' left!! I heard he died of Aids, not cancer and that he died in Palm Beach not Salzburg in 1986. I tell this story because you see so much on the internet and books and movies about all this devil worship stuff, black masses, conspiracy of the 1% political/corporations, corruption and this " New World Order" type thing. His family company is now called Thyssen/Krupp they merged with Baron Thyssen who was another strange guy. I met him twice. All this elite conspiracy, reptilian scary stuff, my real take away from this party was his snake like skin and I sure wasn't going to travel with him even with all his huge money !!! The Illuminati hierarchy was the Krupp family, original 13 familys a hybrid blood line that has gone over to non human. Google said !! I think because I took L.S.D from 1967 to say around 1973. I could see him as he really was.. In the movie I made "They Live" John Carpenter used special dark sun glasses as the way to see them, The blonde in the picture is Princess Honeychild (AKA Patricia Wilder) Hohenlohe on the top, my date for the yacht party that night! She was in the cult as were most of my elite Marbella jet-set friends who tried to get me to go... He married the women in the picture with him and had a child to keep the 'Bloodline' going I wonder what ever happened to that little 'Devil' :) !!!!!